Technological Objectives
- Evaluate the hazards and minimize their level of risk by assessing the vulnerabilities of targeted sectors and designing adequate security measures.
- Improve the understanding of any physical or cyber threats and their consequences in the interdependent network of critical infrastructures.
- Improve the resilience of the CIs, their neighbouring population and environment and enable a coordinated response to an attack.
- Share with the public pertinent information on the risks associated to an event and the emergency response actions planned to overcome the incident.
Impact and User-Oriented Objectives
- Validate the project results in real contexts of interdependent CIs to improve its efficiency, cost-effectiveness and societal benefit.
- Ensure compliance of the solutions with the legal, ethical, privacy, and societal principles, including recommendations to policy planners; disseminate results on the researched threat information sharing models to the relevant communities of users, to promote the adoption of the proposed cost-effective solutions beyond the project participants.

PRAETORIAN Physical Situation Awareness (PSA) and Cyber Situation Awareness (CSA) components will gather huge amounts of heterogeneous data from the different sectorial CIs (airports, ports, power plants, and hospitals) involved in the pilot demonstrations. CSA will explore the network and CI’s Information System to identify malicious patterns. At the same time, PSA will analyse information received from different kind of physical sensors such as the images received from the CCTV system or drones and other biometric or presence signals with the objective to generate intrusion detection events. The alarms raised by PSA and CSA will be processed by the Hybrid Situation Awareness (HSA) and, thanks to the precise implementation of the digital twins of the CIs, will estimate the cascading effects in the own and related CIs. This estimation will be used in Coordinated Response Framework to support the decision-making process in the affected CIs allowing a unified response to the situation and warn the emergency teams and population.