Increasing the Security and Resilience of European CIs
PRAETORIAN strategic goal is to increase the security and resilience of European CIs, facilitating the coordinated protection of interrelated CI against combined physical and cyber threats. To that end, the project will provide a multidimensional (economical, technological, policy, societal) yet installation-specific toolset comprising the following components:
Physical Situation Awareness System
Automated recognition,
classification and tracking tasks for accurate detection of suspicious
Cyber Situation Awareness system
Advanced visualization of the
cyber space to enable proactive and efficient decisions.
Hybrid Situation Awareness system
Holistic overview on the current
security situation and identification of cascading effects.
Coordinated Response system
Seamless integration of FRs’ with CI
managers and affordable and accurate C-UAV systems.
The PRAETORIAN toolset will support the security managers of Critical Infrastructures (CI) in their decision making to anticipate and withstand potential cyber, physical or combined security threats to their own infrastructures and other interrelated CIs that could have a severe impact on their performance and/or the security of the population in their vicinity.